Dr. Ragheb El-Sergany


Islam Around the World

Yahya ibn ‘Umar

Yahya ibn ‘Umar was one of the great Mujaahideen in West Africa. He was martyred while participating in Jihaad in Sudan. More

Yahya ibn ‘Umar

Islam Around the World

Abdullaah Al-Jazooli

Abdullaah ibn Yaaseen ibn Makook ibn Sayr ibn ‘Ali Al-Jazooli, originally from the village of "Tumamanut" in the desert of Ghana. More

Abdullaah Al-Jazooli

Islam Around the World

Buddhist Burma occupation

In 1784 AD, and after the control of Muslims in Burma was weakened, Buddhist Burma occupied the Muslim Arakan State. More

Buddhist Burma occupation

Islam Around the World

Islam in Burma

Islam was introduced into Burma also through trade. Some Arab-Muslim merchants landed on the coasts of Burma. More

Islam in Burma

Islam Around the World

Muslims in the Philippines now

Now, Muslim Filipinos are staggering under extremely difficult conditions, instability in the political, economic, social, health, cultural, and educational fields. More

Muslims in the Philippines now

Islam Around the World

Renewed Crusading spirit

The Crusaders began devising plots against Muslims and resorted to the “divide and conquer” policy. More

Renewed Crusading spirit

Islam Around the World

The independence of the Philippines

Muslim Filipinos fought the Japanese fiercely and participated in all stages of the Philippine struggle for Independence. More

The independence of the Philippines

Islam Around the World

U.S. occupation of the Philippines

In 1319 AH/1901 AD, the United States suppressed the revolution and the Philippine Islands were incorporated into the United States. More

U.S. occupation of the Philippines

Islam Around the World

Spanish occupation of the Philippines

The Spaniards were able to seize Rajah Sulayman after a fierce battle in 979 AH/ 1571 AD. Manila was destroyed and the Spaniards rebuilt it on Christian foundations. More

Spanish occupation of the Philippines

Islam Around the World

The Crusaders

Crusaders arrived at the Philippines islands from the east under the command of Ferdinand Magellan in an attempt to encircle the Muslim world. More

The Crusaders

Islam Around the World

Islam in the Philippines

Islam reached the Philippines through trade by the merchants of the Malay Peninsula and Indonesia. More

Islam in the Philippines

Islam Around the World

East Turkestan and the Communist occupation

The Chinese Communists occupied East Turkestan and followed the same policy of continuous religious persecution against the Muslim population. More

East Turkestan and the Communist occupation