Dr. Ragheb El-Sergany


Islam Around the World

Thai turning point

It was a crucial turning point in Thai history as the system of government in Siam was changed from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy. More

Thai turning point

Islam Around the World

Muslims in Thailand

Islam was introduced to Thailand in early times, like the rest of East and Southeast Asia, and it had a notable effect on the Buddhist people of Thailand. More

Muslims in Thailand

Islam Around the World

Dutch colonization of Malacca

The Dutch replaced the Portuguese in Malacca. They followed their footsteps in killing and persecuting the Muslims. More

Dutch colonization of Malacca

Islam Around the World

Portuguese colonization of Malacca

Portuguese colonial forces arrived in Malacca in 915 AH/1509 AD and sailed from their base in Goa on the western coast of the Indian peninsula, and assaulted it. More

Portuguese colonization of Malacca

Islam Around the World

The Story of Islam in China

Chinese historians reported that the first introduction of Islam into China was in the days of the Tang Dynasty contemporary to the time of Prophet Muhamad migration. More

The Story of Islam in China

Islam Around the World

Spread of Islam in China

Islam was introduced into northern China by the Turks in the era of Genghis Khan and his successors. More

Spread of Islam in China

Islam Around the World

Promoter of Islam

As-Sayyid Al-Ajjal Shamsud-Deen ‘Umar was a high-ranking Muslim official in China. He was a talented man who enjoyed great potentials and multiple capabilities. More

Promoter of Islam

Islam Around the World

British colonization of Malaya

These areas became important British commercial and military centers and later made up the eastern coast of Malaysia. More

British colonization of Malaya

Islam Around the World

The British vs. the Japanese

Japan occupied Borneo and the Malay Peninsula in South East Asia in 1360 AH/1941AD. Borneo came under the military administration of Japan. More

The British vs. the Japanese

Islam Around the World

Independence and Union

In 1375 AH/1955 AD, a new constitution for Malaya was devised. Many of the responsibilities of the federal government were delegated to the House of Representatives. More

Independence and Union

Islam Around the World

Malaysia: A story of struggle

Malaysia is one of the major Muslim countries in Southeast Asia, which accommodates a large Muslim majority. More

Malaysia: A story of struggle

Islam Around the World

Islamic Emirate of Brunei

Brunei ruler "Awang Alak Betatar" traveled in 828 AH to visit Sultan Muhammad Shah of Malacca where he converted to Islam. More

Islamic Emirate of Brunei